Event Entertainment Guide

Event Entertainment

Wipeout Challenges With their twin sweeper arms, our Wipeout Challenges will test even the most nimble of players. Jump and duck to avoid being knocked onto the inflatable bed and you might find yourself being the “last man standing”!

Children’s Dino Slides Fun and friendly inflatables for those little scamps who are always full of beans.

Inflatable Playzones Stimulate their growing minds with our brightly coloured enclosures with fun activities.

Bungee Runs With two inflatable tracks, the popularity of the Bungee Run is no stretch of the imagination.

Basketball Inflatable Practise your dunking technique (not biscuits!) on our Basketball Inflatables.

Gladiator Jousts Who do you want to battle on the Inflatable Jousts? Friend Vs. Friend? Brother Vs. Sister? Mum Vs. Dad?

Pole Jousts Let battle commence as you repeatedly try to knock your opponent from the pole and onto the soft inflatable bed. If you find yourself the winner, then it’s only right you get to do a little victory dance atop the pole!


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