Event Entertainment Guide
Event Entertainment
0800 086 2520
Coconut Shy A fun fair classic, knock a coconut from its stand and win a fabulous prize.
Tin Can Alley Exactly what it says on the tin! How many cans can you knock down?
Spin the Wheel There’s no relying on skill with this one! Try your luck and spin to win a novelty prize.
Candy Floss Carts The sweet smell of success can be found at events with our irresistible Candy Floss Cart!
Popcorn Carts There’s one unique smell that really gets the crowds taste buds tingling: freshly made popcorn!
Pick & Mix Carts There’s something satisfying about filling up your paper b ag with a range of tasty sweet treats!
Ice Cream Bikes A nice cold ice cream cone is a great way to cool down on your family fun day.
Ball in a Bucket Not as easy as it looks - no matter how you throw the ball it always seems to bounce back out!
Traditional Wooden Carts Our Traditional Wooden Carts are great for serving up some delicious snacks at your event.
Entertainment Guide / Event Entertainment
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